Thursday, March 3, 2011

Friday 3/4/11 @ 7:30pm

Station Rotation 5 Rounds for time of:
-500m Row
-Abmat Sit-ups

Split into two equal groups if quantity allows. Each group member starts at a different station. Once one of the group members finishes the 500m row the whole group rotates to the next station, keeping track of total number of reps for each exercise. Team that finishes first earns 40 points on top of the points for each rep of each exercise.

1m row= 1 point
1 dead-lift rep= 1 point
1 dip= 1 point
1 abmat sit-up= 1 point


Second WOD 10 rounds for time of:
-10 Jumping Jacks
-10 Burpees

Have Fun!

If you post WOD details and name on blog for every WOD daily from 3/4/11-5/4/11 you will receive a free gift.


  1. We didn't even get to the 2nd WOD! We stink. Great WOD though everyone...a lot of hard work. 43:00. Don't ever cramp up on the rower. I'm excited for the parallel bars. Are they up?

  2. Parallel bars are up along with the rope. You might see them in the WOD on Sunday.

  3. WOD Idea, Row under the 2:00min avg. for as long as you can?

  4. Best WOD yet, great team work guys!
