Tuesday, February 22, 2011


What did you eat today? Did it fuel your body for the most productive workout? Was it a balance of lean protein, fats, and carbs? If you are unsure, refer to the zone diet for reference. Try to pay attention to what you are putting into your body by looking at the Nutrition Facts and the ingredients list. This takes a second to do and after a few times doing it you will be able to scan the whole package in half a second. If the item you are eating does not have Nutrition Facts, that means you are eating something that is fresh and not man-made and pumped with preservatives. Also, if there is less than three ingredients, it is a good food source, however there are some exceptions such as sugar. Preservatives are great at what they do! But are terrible for the body. The body does not know what to do with preservatives. So the body ends up storing this waste that does nothing good for the body, except cause disease. Watch out for companies trying to fool you, by putting the "Heart Healthy," stamp on the box. This is very misleading, because these items are your heart's worst enemy. The great question that is always asked, "is this good for me?" The answer to the question is simple and now you are capable to help people by answering it.

If you are trying a new nutrition habit, good work on trying to better yourself. It is a struggle for sure, but your hard work will pay off! Do not become consumed in it and most importantly have fun with eating new things, cooking differently and trying new spices. Food is meant to taste great. If something does not taste good, trying using a spice (not salt) or cook it differently. If it continues to taste bad maybe you need to try another healthy choice that you do like. Moderation with bad foods is key, drink a beer, eat a Swiss Cake Roll, or maybe a Twinkie. If you can eat healthy 95% of the time you are doing wonderful and keep it up. Most importantly eating healthy will give you a longer better quality of life than the other path. Enjoy your healthy habits with friends and family because these are the people we want to keep around for as long as possible.

Have Fun!

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